IMPORTANT: Certificate(s) will be issued in the name listed on the bidder's IRS Form W-9 or W-8 for foreign bidders. If changes are requested on bid items after the sale, a $2.25 transfer fee on each certificate is required. It is required that a Social Security Number or a Federal Identification Number be furnished on the IRS Form W-9 or W-8 for foreign bidders, as all interest earned is required to be reported to the Internal Revenue Service.
In accordance with Section 197.502(1), F.S., the holder of any tax certificate (other than the county), at any time after two years have elapsed since the year of issuance of the tax certificate and before the expiration of seven years from the date of issuance, may file the certificate and an application for a tax deed with the Tax Collector's Office. The property would then be offered at a public auction conducted by the Office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court at . The holder of the Certificate may bid along with any other interested party if so desired.
No certificate will be sold at public auction on property that has been granted a homestead exemption and has less than $250.00 in delinquent taxes owing. When a tax deed application is made on property assessed on the latest tax roll as homestead property, the opening bid at shall include an amount equal to one-half of the assessed value of the homestead property as listed on the current year's tax roll in addition to other taxes, interest and cost paid in connection with the tax deed application. According to Chapter 197.542, F.S. if a homestead property is brought to tax deed sale and no bids are received that are higher than the required opening bid explained above, then the land shall be struck off and sold to the certificate holder, who shall pay the documentary stamp and recording fees due to the Clerk of the Circuit Court. At that time, a tax deed shall be issued to the applicant and duly recorded in the official records of the County by the Clerk.
When a certificate has been redeemed, the holder is entitled to the face value plus whatever interest has been earned on the amount of the face value at the time of redemption. The redemption is handled in the Tax Collector's Office. Checks for the amount of the redemption monies are written weekly and remitted to the effected certificate holder(s). According to Section 197.172(2) F.S., tax certificates earn interest starting June 1, 2024.